Saturday, September 10, 2022

The "Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen", "No Alcohol" is Healthiest, and Supplements


Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor

Content is a daily radio script from my KHIS radio spot - tune in at 6:15 (CST) every morning to Justin and Meredith’s morning show on 89.9 FM.

  We are increasingly aware of metals and other toxins that can build up in our bodies due to our environment and food pesticide residues. Today let’s look at the "Clean 15" list which is the fruits and veggies with the least pesticide residues:

avocado, corn, onions, peas and asparagus, cabbage, mushrooms and sweet potatoes, pineapple, papaya, cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon, mango, and kiwi.

 We still need to wash them because they have been handled by who knows HOW many people, but they are safer. Go buy some great "Clean 15 foods" and have a marvelous meatless Monday!

 Today we are again looking at the importance of reducing food pesticide residues, this time sharing the "Dirty Dozen" list which are the fruits and veggies with the most pesticides, so you can be more mindful of washing them: strawberries, cherries, grapes, nectarines, apples, peaches and pears, spinach, kale/collard/mustard greens, peppers, celery, and tomatoes. Now, what is the best way to wash ALL your foods? Wash your own hands with warm water and soap first. Rinse the foods under running water BEFORE you cut any peel or tops off, soak produce with ridges or crevices in a bowl of water for a few minutes, use a gentle brush on produce with thick skins, and dry the produce off before prepping it. We do not need to buy commercial products, just use cold water. Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!


 Much of the reason our world thinks "moderate drinking" or a glass of red wine each day is good for us is because of what is called the famous "J curve" in research. In most of the alcohol studies and health benefits, drinkers were misclassified meaning "former drinkers" were classified as "abstainers". When studies classify subjects correctly, the J curve disappears, showing that drinking alcohol is very unlikely to improve our health. Given that it is an intoxicating, addictive, toxic, cancer-causing drug, alcohol is not a good choice, and the "presumed health benefits from moderate alcohol use have finally collapsed."  On this wonderful Wednesday, look at your health on the shelf by removing the alcohol.

 If we are completely plant-based eaters, do we need supplements? You may have heard of people taking fish oil supplements for the Omega 3 fatty acids, but they are not plant-based, of course. Vegans can get Omega 3's from soy, walnuts, chia, flax, and hemp seeds but it is not harmful to take an Omega 3 supplement and the best are algal oil - from seaweed or algae. Additionally, plant-based eaters can benefit from Vitamin B12, which can be found in almond or soy milk or as a supplement. Iodine is also sometimes a need for plant-based people. The supplement Wholier provides all these needs, and you can order it online. It is important to know that most plant-based eaters are far more nutritionally sound than those eating the Standard American Diet, so do not fret too much about deficiencies as you plantify your plates!

It is FIX IT FRIDAY and this is a delicious hot meal that's plant-based, nutrient-dense, and anti-inflammatory in every way! It is called “Loaded Spaghetti Squash” and is from the ­No Meat Athlete Cookbook.

 Cut spaghetti squash in half, remove the seeds and cook it face down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.

In a large bowl, combine:

 1 Tbsp dried herbs or Italian seasoning

2 chopped roasted red peppers

2 cups chopped baby spinach

1 can chickpeas

1/2 cup can chop artichoke hearts

1/4 cup pitted, chopped kalamata olives

1/4 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes

1 cup low-sugar, low-sodium pasta sauce (or they have a great recipe in the cookbook)

1/2 cup chopped basil

 When the squash comes out of the oven, spoon the mixture into each half and bake for another 10 minutes. When you serve it, use a fork to "flake out" the squash and it will look like spaghetti, then you have all the wonderful sauce to complete this wonderful meal!

 And a blast from the past:

God wants us to live longer and stronger and feel better than most of us do. This is WORLD Alzheimer's Month and again, we could talk ALL MONTH about it! Did you know that deaths due to Alzheimer’s have increased by 87% in just the last ten years? It also is by far the most expensive disease to manage, and here is the super part - recent studies demonstrate that 90% of Alzheimer's cases can be PREVENTED! Again, it is all about lifestyle. The five main lifestyle solutions are represented by the acronym NEURO:  Nutrition, Exercise, Unwind, Restore and Optimize. And with nutrition, the key is less meat, and more plant-based foods. Enjoy your meatless Monday and strengthen your defenses to thwart Alzheimer's disease!

 Yesterday we shared that it is World Alzheimer's Month - our National Alzheimer's Month is June so some of this sounds familiar! Lifestyles are key to preventing this horrible disease, and the acronym NEURO, which is Nutrition, Exercise, Unwind, Restore and Optimize is key. The Blue Zones, where everyone lives longer and better, can give us tips for the "unwind, restore, and optimize" parts. You see, they are not spending every waking moment scheduled with work, social obligations, or chores - and here, we have the electronics that ramp up the urgency - they do not. Time away from our devices, scheduling time to pray, meditate, and take the focus off our own issues, napping, moving more - these all help us unwind - "downshift" as the Blue Zones call it - to be physically healthier. Stay tuned for more details and have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

 We are focusing on World Alzheimer's Month this week, and most believe that genes determine everything, but the truth is that our brains are vulnerable to what we eat, how much we exercise, our ability to manage chronic stress, the quality of our sleep and the ways in which we challenge our brains. Our genes change over time when exposed to harmful triggers like poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyles, chemicals, and chronic stress. So, we can combat all these diseases simply - yes, it is simple - by reducing those factors that put us most at risk:  sugary and processed foods, pollutants and heavy metals, lack of exercise, and stress. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

 We are talking this week about Alzheimer's, and most importantly the fact that 90% of it can be prevented. Two-thirds of those with this tragic disease are women. In a large study, it was found that women with the highest saturated fat intake had nearly a 70 percent higher risk of negative changes in brain function. There are profound insights into the relationship between nutrition, longevity, and avoiding chronic disease, and we know that those who eat meat, including poultry and fish, have twice the risk of developing dementia as those who are plant-based. So, Thursday's "Power of the Plate" tip is to eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains to stave off Alzheimer's!

 It is Friday's holistic habit of the day, and we are finishing the week on Alzheimer's disease. Recently, a groundbreaking book was published called, The Alzheimer's Solution, which demonstrates that Nutrition, Exercise, Unwinding, Restoring, and Optimizing our brains are the keys to preventing Alzheimer’s.  And here is another huge benefit - those same lifestyle changes save us from OTHER chronic diseases! The book has important keys:  a whole-food plant-based diet that is low in sugar and salt is something we have talked about many times. But the importance of an active lifestyle that incorporates moving EVERY HOUR is recommended. And stress management that is supported by strong communities, meditation, spending time in nature, and mindful breathing is part of the plan as well. Lastly, 7 to 8 hours of regular, detoxifying sleep and cognitive activities like games and meaningful social interaction are especially important. Have a fantastic Friday everyone!

Monday, September 5, 2022

Jack Needs the Bean Stalk, But Not the Donuts


Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor

Content is a daily radio script from my KHIS radio spot - tune in at 6:15 (CST) every morning to Justin and Meredith’s morning show on 89.9 FM.

 A short week and happy holiday week everyone!

 We know that beans are SUPER powerful, plant-based proteins that are loaded with prebiotics and antioxidants, but which are the best ones for our health? The top five are pinto beans, black beans, small red beans (not the larger kidney beans), garbanzo beans, and in number 1 place are LENTILS! Lentils are perhaps the "best among all tested legumes for the development of a dietary supplement for promoting heart health and preventing cancers."  Simply adding beans to a meal, including breakfast, slows down our stomach emptying so you feel fuller longer, and reduces oxidative stress and inflammatory responses, just to name a few benefits. When subjects were fed a cup of chickpeas daily for 3 weeks, bad gut bacteria were crowded out, and the good bacteria increased, allowing our gut microbiomes to be healthier! Add beans to your plantified plates and have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

 Established in 1965, the IARC is the international agency for research on cancer. It aims to find preventive measures and reduce the burden and suffering from cancer. They classify carcinogens - those substances that cause cancer - into groups. For example, Group 1 carcinogens have sufficient research findings to be classified as "carcinogenic to humans." It is important to know that along with many tobacco compounds, alcoholic beverages and processed meats are listed - because they cause cancer. What we drink and eat matters so much when it comes to cancer. Live longer and live stronger by avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and processed meats like ham, bacon, sausage, deli meats, hot dogs, and cold cuts. Have a wonderful Wednesday everybody!


 In 2015 US Dietary guidelines advised eating less sugar… and the soda-funded "International Life Sciences Institute" sponsored a review that concluded that the guidelines were simply not trustworthy. It is an example of how opinions are biased due to industry funding, as it was paid for by companies like Coca-Cola, Hershey, Red Bull, and the makers of Oreos. And, the writers of the research swore they were not biased, but that turned out to be false… so they had to retract those statements. There were some bright spots – candy companies like the makers of Snickers, Skittles, and M&M’s broke ranks with the other food companies and denounced the paper. They knew that telling people to ignore guidelines to cut down on sugar made them all look bad. The best way to get your sugar is from nature's candy – a plethora of fruits that are sweet AND loaded with fiber and nutrition!

 It is "fix it Friday" and we are fixing our favorite veggie sandwich! Ikaria, Greece is one of the five Blue Zones in the world where people live longest and best, and their sourdough bread is a staple there. Start this sandwich off with two thick slices of bread and drizzle olive oil on it, then toast it in the oven. Spread your favorite hummus on the untoasted side of the bread. Layer on thinly sliced tomato, avocado, radishes, and cucumber, a small handful of peeled and grated beet and of grated carrot, your favorite greens like spinach or arugula, drizzle on balsamic vinegar, and then add the other piece of toasted bread to the top.  Welcome to raw beets! Beets contain nearly ALL the nutrients we need - loaded with vitamins and minerals and low in calories and fat. Slice up all the veggies, have a variety of greens, various bean, and hummus spreads, and let everyone make their own sammies on this fantastic Friday!

 From LAST YEAR :)

 This month is prostate cancer awareness month, and it is especially important because more than 10% of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, making it the most likely cancer diagnosis for them. But there is lots of good news that we will cover this week - since we did not have meatless Monday yesterday, we are going to double up on it today! A landmark study showed that men who ate a Western diet - the standard American diet that is heavy in meat - had a 250% higher risk of prostate cancer-related death...but those who ate a whole-foods, plant-based diet had a 37% lower risk of death from ALL causes. This week we will cover specific recommendations for ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer, or for those men in your life. Meatless is a good place to start and have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

 More about prostate cancer awareness month today, with not-so-surprising news that like all cancers, avoiding meat and dairy improves not only your overall health but your ability to thwart prostate cancer. We are going to share some specific recommendations today on what to avoid, men. Based on a large Harvard University prostate cancer study, as well as mortality data, eggs and poultry may be the worst offenders. Men who consume only three eggs per week have an 81% higher risk of dying from prostate cancer. It appears the choline in eggs, which is converted into a toxin called tri-methylamine, is the culprit. Then the link between eating poultry with prostate cancer may be due to the cooked-meat carcinogens - for some reason they build up more in the muscles of chickens and turkeys than in other animals. We have talked about this before - when we cook meat it causes cancer-producing substances called HCA. So, you can be healthier men, on this wonderful Wednesday, by eating fewer eggs and less poultry!

 One more day of talking about what NOT to do to prevent prostate cancer, which is the number one cancer faced by men in our country. We talked about avoiding eggs and poultry yesterday, and there is also evidence that the hormones in dairy products, and other growth factors, can stimulate the growth of hormone-sensitive tumors like prostate cancer. And of course, we have talked about its relationship to heart disease and other conditions. Men placed on a plant-based diet for a year showed that their blood could suppress cancer cell growth by 70%, which is nearly eight times the stopping power compared to those who ate meat and dairy. So, power up your plate with plant-based foods to thwart prostate cancer and live longer and stronger! 

 It is prostate cancer awareness month - prostate cancer is a frightening diagnosis to receive, and though many men survive it, the long-term effects of treatment and surgeries can be life-altering. So, let us do all we can to prevent it! In addition to removing poultry and eggs from our diets, there are things we can add. Exercise helps - daily moderate exercise improves oxygen in our cells and rids us of toxins, especially if we do it outside with fresh air and sunshine. Then add flax seeds - yes, those tiny little seeds are packed with a punch when it comes to tumor suppression - buy them whole and grind them right before you toss them into your smoothie or oatmeal. Lastly, if you were to add only one thing to your diet to help prevent prostate cancer it is those cruciferous veggies! One serving a day of broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, or kale can cut the risk of cancer progression by more than 50%! Have a fantastic Friday everyone!

 References:  "How Not to Die, Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease" by Michael Gregor, M.D. and "Undo It", How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Diseases" by Dean Ornish M.D. and Anne Ornish

The Benefits of Walking - Carbs are SO Good for Us, - Too Much Protein in our Diet, and Children's Cereals and Soy Benefits

Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor Content is a daily radio script from my KHIS radio spot - tu...