Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor
Yesterday we mentioned that 70% of our population has a high, unhealthy weight and most of the states with this problem are in the south. So why is that? Just exactly what are we eating (yes, our state is considered one of the tops for being overweight) that’s so unhealthy? Southern foods are more often fried, and fatty, and have added butter and oils. They use a higher number of eggs, processed meats like bacon and ham, and organ meats such as liver, as well as sugary drinks like sodas and sweet tea. Try crowding out fried foods this month with healthier options, then give up the processed meats next month, and soon you'll transition to foods that will help you live longer and live stronger!
The environmental impact of switching from beef to plant-based meat is a 90%+ reduction in land use, greenhouse gas emissions, and water usage. Though health, environmental and animal welfare aspects can persuade customers to try a meat substitute, they need to TASTE, LOOK and FEEL good to win us over, and it's working because of great new products that are coming out. Even those with strong positive beliefs about meat eating are trying what's called "meat analogs" - you know - Beyond Burgers, "Un-chicken" and such. They are made with soy protein, wheat protein, pea protein, and now mycoprotein - the future of nutritious non-meat protein, which comes from mushrooms. You'll find it in the frozen section called Quorn. A bonus? Plant-based meat substitutes result in increased satiety, which leads to 200 fewer calories consumed per day - you're just not as hungry hours later. With great taste, affordability, and availability almost everywhere they are growing in market share. Power up your plates with these veggie-based, high-protein meat substitutes to live longer and live stronger have a terrific Tuesday!