Sunday, January 22, 2023

How to Decrease Prostate Cancer Risk, Those Pesky Addictive Foods & The Blue Zones Challenge!


Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor

Content is a daily radio script from my KHIS radio spot - tune in at 6:15 (CST) every morning to Justin and Meredith’s morning show on 89.9 FM.

 Studies show intakes of dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt, as examples) were associated with increased prostate cancer risk. Researchers wanted to know why - is it the calcium?  No, because non-dairy sources of calcium were found to protect against prostate cancer. Findings do suggest it’s the animal protein that boosts the levels of a cancer-promoting growth hormone called IGF-1: insulin-like growth factor 1. Patients who were placed on a whole-food, plant-based diet for a year had a significant reduction in the PSA level, indicating tumor shrinkage: their bloodstream became nearly eight times better at suppressing the growth of cancer cells!  It's Meatless Monday and one of the most compelling reasons to choose plant-based is cancer prevention. 

Yesterday we talked about a common cancer - prostate cancer - and the damage dairy can do, and the advantages of plant-based eating.  Biopsies of tumors after a year of plant-based eating showed positive changes in gene expression, with a reduction of critical cancer genes, effectively switching off cancer growth genes!  If you instead eat lots of dairy after a prostate cancer diagnosis, you may suffer “a 76% higher risk of death overall, and a 141% increased risk of dying" specifically from your cancer.  WOW!  Crowd out dairy with alternatives that come from plants!

 We know that processed food companies strive to sell as much of their products as possible and spend tons of money finding what's called the "bliss point" of foods that addict us - that "you can't eat just one" phenomenon.  Pizza is one of the most addictive foods – salt, oily cheese, and white bread are highly addictive AND low in nutrients and high in calories.  Here's the thing:  cheese is a block of salty cholesterol, loaded with saturated fat that affects every one of our arteries - like our brains, our muscles (especially our hearts), and every organ in our bodies.  Live longer and live stronger by giving up cheese for a week - you won't believe how great you'll feel, and you'll give it up for good! 

 Yes, January is almost over and many of us have had success in improving our nutritional intake, and some of us haven't - but THAT'S OK!  There's a new month coming and a great program, rooted in the groundbreaking research of the healthiest, longest, and best-living people on earth - the Blue Zones - which might be perfect for you in February!  It's not a fitness plan but a new way to look at your health in a new way.  Go to Blue Zones Challenge to order your copy and improve your health on the shelf with this great book!

 It's Fix It Friday and you'll love Kung Pao Chickpeas Over Brown Rice!


1 large diced onion

1 diced red bell pepper

2 cans of chickpeas with the liquid (aquafaba)

1 T low-sodium tamari or soy sauce

2 T balsamic vinegar

4 cloves minced garlic.

1 T chopped fresh ginger.

1 t red pepper flakes

4 chopped green onions

1/2 cup chopped parsley.

Cooked brown or black rice.

 In a medium pot, place all ingredients except the parsley and rice and cover, cooking on low heat for 2 hours - the longer it cooks, the better it gets!  This recipe comes from a heart patient who reversed his heart disease after making changes to his diet, and he gives testimonials about how he healed.  He says the leftovers are great in a wrap!

 References:, and Be a Plant-based Woman Warrior Cookbook

 And a Blast From the Past!

 We're going to talk a lot this week about checklists you can find on the Blue Zones website to help your home be healthier!  Blue Zones people in Costa Rica, Italy, Greece, Japan, and yes, in Loma Linda, California, live longer and better lives than anyone else.  On the Blue Zones website, you can retrieve these home checklists also and they give the "how and why".  Starting with the kitchen, you can improve your health by:

 - portioning out snacks in small containers right when you buy them

- dedicating the top "eye level" shelf to fruits and veggies in the fridge

- using plates that are 10" in size or smaller

- pre-plating your food (meaning leaving the serving dishes in the kitchen)

- removing all devices from your mealtime (TVs, phones, tablets)

- keeping a bowl of fruit out for all to enjoy

- using hand-operated kitchen gadgets

- posting the Blue Zones Longevity List of foods to favor.  It's also on their website.  Have a marvelous meatless Monday everyone!

 Yesterday we reviewed the kitchen checklist from the Blue Zones, to live longer and stronger like they do and today it's the home checklist.  To boost your health:

 -keep your scale in a prominent area and weigh yourself daily

-have only one TV in your home

-use hand tools and equipment more (remote controls less)

-have a garden

-welcome a dog or cat into your home

-own (and ride) a bicycle

-own (and use) at least 4 of these:  walking shoes, jump rope, yoga mat, weights, basketball, football, golf clubs, roller blades, camping supplies, and running shoes

-create an indoor exercise area

-place cushions on the floor to sit on

-create a "pride shrine" of photos that make you the happiest

 On this terrific Tuesday, look into the Blue Zones website to learn the "how and why" of these great tips!

 It's our last day of reviewing checklists from the Blue Zones to leave healthier and today it's all about how to make your bedroom healthier:

- own a supportive mattress and comfortable pillows

- set the temperature of the bedroom to 65 degrees

- dim the lights an hour before bed

- remove digital alarm clocks or turn them away from you

- use light-blocking window shades

- remove the TV and computer from your bedroom

- remove your phone from the bedroom

- place a lavender plant next to your bed

- minimize noise at night

- know your "snore score"

 Go to to find out how to find out your snore score, and to see all of the "why's" behind these scientific recommendations for better sleep and therefore better lives.  Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

 All week we've talked about the checklists to make your home healthier that are found on the Blue Zones website.  Their website has SO much information - recipes, community transformation stories, and much more.  From studying the 5 blue zones in the world where people live longest and best, they have developed a nutritional framework called the "Four always, four to avoid."  The four "always" foods are 3 servings daily of 100% whole grains, a handful of nuts each day, a cup of beans daily, and 5 to 10 servings of fruits and veggies per day. The four "to avoid" are sugar-sweetened beverages like juices, sodas, and alcoholic drinks, salty snacks, packaged sweets, and processed meats.  Go to to get their longevity food list and start filling up your health on the shelf have a great day!

 While visiting a relative in Florida recently, Dr. Cheryl met a couple who owns a vegan restaurant and years ago started an elementary school that is completely plant-based!  The children all help in growing vegetables and fruit, help in the menu selection and learn so much about their own health and nutrition.  There is a waiting list for the school - and right after returning from that trip, she read an article about the Muse School in California that tried to transition to plant-based, and they lost half of the families.  Then their director mentioned, "It's just one meal a day!" and that led them to launch the OMD program, one meal a day.  When the parents realized this, they came back, and they also have grown in enrollment and a waiting list.  They have 150 raised garden beds and the children eat 90% of the produce!  Upon further research, she found that entire public school districts are leading the way in plant-based education and a greater emphasis on nutrition.   This is not only exciting for our children's futures but a great way to start your health journey - just one meal a day that's "clean" and whole-food plant-based.  Give it a try for 7 days to see how much better you feel :)


The Benefits of Walking - Carbs are SO Good for Us, - Too Much Protein in our Diet, and Children's Cereals and Soy Benefits

Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor Content is a daily radio script from my KHIS radio spot - tu...