Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor
called, "Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It." He was asked, "If I've eaten all the wrong foods most of my life, is it too late for me to change now?" He responded that heart attacks and strokes are the leading cause of death, killing more of us than all cancers added together. But by making changes now, he shares that you can "almost guarantee this never happens." Let's learn more this week about Dr. Fuhrman’s G-BOMBS - stay tuned to learn what THAT stands for and have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!
Researchers have found that eating blueberries acutely improves arterial function, and eating a lot of them is most beneficial - like one to two cups. Eating blueberries over time gives us long-term benefits of reducing artery stiffness and boosting natural killer cells that defend against viral infections and cancer! The compounds that cause the blue pigment in the berries are extremely potent. Blueberries are natural probiotics, so when we eat them, we're also feeding our gut with good bacteria. Improve your health on the shelf by buying blueberries!