Tuesday, June 7, 2022



Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor

There is a class of natural substances called "adaptogens" that work with our bodies to help us adapt, most notably, to stress. Adaptogens are a natural ally in dealing with persistent stress and fatigue because they work with regulating important hormones. Plus, they offer other health benefits such as boosting our immune systems, supporting healthy weights, increasing physical endurance, and improving mental focus. They are roots and herbs that have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine and have extraordinary properties to support our adrenal glands. And cafes are popping up that focus on them, like "Adapt Freshness". Stay tuned this week to learn more and hey, you do not find these properties in meat so have a marvelous meatless Monday everyone!

Yesterday we mentioned Adaptogens, roots, and herbs that help us best adapt. Dr. Cheryl loves this because her favorite nursing theorist in nursing school was Sister Callista Roy, who believed that our health is based on how well we adapt, and the support we have in maintaining healthy adaptation. So, what are the top adaptogenic foods to support stress management, improve our immune systems, improve hormone balance and decrease inflammation? Let us start with the ones you will recognize:  Turmeric, wild blueberries, and mushrooms. We have mentioned turmeric a lot in the past - buy the highest quality powder and add it to your smoothies. Wild blueberries are frozen and have 33% more health benefits than regular blueberries. Mushrooms can be consumed whole or in powder form as adaptogens. Have a terrific Tuesday everyone and improve your health on the shelf by adding these foods!

We have been talking about adaptogens this week - foods that help us adapt better to stress and life. Yesterday we mentioned the ones you are familiar with turmeric, wild blueberries, and mushrooms. The ones today may be new to you, which is FUN, and keep in mind these are not passing fads - they have been around for centuries. The first is moringa, which has been called the miracle tree or the tree of life. Moringa powder has forty-six antioxidants and is so loaded with nutrients that we do not have time to list them here! Add moringa tea to your daily tea routine to live longer and live stronger have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Here is another two adaptogens for you - the ancient roots and herbs that help you adapt to life better. First is Maca. It is a cruciferous vegetable and a powerhouse of nutrients. Now that we have mentioned maca, you will see it everywhere! It is normally consumed as a powder that is added to smoothies or morning oats. The second is holy basil, which is different from basil and a member of the mint family. It is delicious but hard to find. Why not grow some and enjoy it in its natural form in many hot dishes? Or like other adaptogens, you can purchase it in powder, tea, or supplement form. Stay tuned for one last day tomorrow on adaptogens and have a wonderful day everybody!

Our last day of talking about adaptogens - this one is called astragalus root and wow is it packed with great ways to help us! It slows aging by reducing the effects of stress, promoting heart health, helps us break down arterial plaque, promotes normal blood sugar levels and normal kidney function, helps us detox and protect our livers, and supports healthy cell cycles. Like other adaptogens, it can be found in powder or capsule form, and in teas. Have a fantastic Friday everyone!

The Blast From the Past Issue:

This week we are going to talk about "health on the shelf" - how we can improve on those things we put in us, on us, and have all around us that are toxic. It is hard to believe, but there are more than 80,000 chemicals that are approved for use in our society, and of course, they end up in our air, food, water, soil, AND cells. Research shows that when the levels of chemicals in our bodies increase, so do our rates of disease. Chemicals stick to proteins in our bodies, forming new antigens that our immune systems do not recognize. These new combinations lead to an increase in autoimmune reactions. The good news is there are things we can do to reduce the chemical load AND remove them from our bodies, and you can guess that it involves veggies! So, add more of them on this meatless Monday, and stay tuned for more info this week about your health on the shelf!

  It is all about health on the shelf this week - the fact that we are slathered with, ingesting, walking in, and living in lots of chemicals, and what we can choose for the shelf to reduce them. Food choices are important - organic is as clean as we can get and if you cannot find organic, go to EWG.org to get their list of the "Clean 15" and the "Dirty Dozen" lists. HOW we prepare and store our food and liquids is important as well - use stainless steel or glass bottles for water, and for cooking and storing food. Do not drink from plastic or Styrofoam cups and if you must use a straw, get a few metal ones. BPA-free bottles are better, but still plastic. The big key - stay away from plastics as much as possible - they leech into our bodies and are bad actors for immune systems! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone, with healthier foods and fewer plastics!

We've been talking about health on the shelf - with over 80,000 chemicals in and around us, we can find ways to reduce the toxic load. Yesterday we shared to eat organic, prepare and store foods and beverages in stainless steel or glass, and stay away from plastics of all kinds - even soda cans are coated with plastic. Additionally, choose skincare and other personal care products that are chemical-free. The average woman has used twelve different products and the average man has used eight different products BEFORE BREAKFAST - it equates to hundreds of chemicals.  READ THE LABELS, just like you do foods. Stop using them - we do not need perfumes or colognes. Cut out all you can, and substitute clean ones for those you cannot live without - go to EWG.org for skin-deep products to avoid, and purchase. Buy bamboo toothbrushes with BPA-free bristles - they are available in many stores in Cape Girardeau and use natural toothpaste, lotions, hair products - everything that goes on you or in you. Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

MORE about health on the shelf and today it is about our homes - this is a hard habit to break, but do not wear your shoes into the house... have an "indoor pair" you put on at the door. We walk in pesticides, herbicides, petroleum products, cleaning products - all kinds of chemicals all day long, then track them all over the house if we keep those same shoes on. Use only cotton bedding that has no flame retardants and choose hemp or cotton clothing as much as possible because of the plastics and chemicals on them. And of course, wash everything in chemical-free cleaners. Lastly, take care of the air in your home:  clean the air with an excellent quality air purifier that gets rid of toxins, get your air ducts cleaned regularly, and use the pleated electrostatic air filters for the furnace. All these things can help our immune systems and calm down inflammation so we can live longer and stronger!

 We have talked all week about the massive number of chemicals we put on us, in us, and have in our environments, and ways we can avoid them. There is no way to avoid them all, but it helps that there are proven ways to eliminate them even after they are in us! First, increase consumption of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, and arugula -these are cruciferous (crew sif er us) veggies that ramp up our abilities to detoxify chemicals. Some of the nastiest air pollution compounds are excreted at least 50% more when we eat broccoli! Non-cruciferous veggies like avocados, squash, asparagus, peppers, and carrots are detoxifiers as well. Also, get plenty of sleep and manage stress - our bodies detox when we rest. Drink plenty of water, and exercise to increase urine output and sweat - many toxins leave our bodies through these routes. So, on this fantastic Friday, detox with the right foods, plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and exercise to live not only longer but better!

Reference:  "Betrayal:  The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You", Dr. Tom O'Bryan


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Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor Content is a daily radio script from my KHIS radio spot - tu...