Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor
Grains, greens, nuts, and beans not only contain the protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that keep our heart healthy, our mind sharp, and prevent cancers, but they also feed the bacteria living in our gut. It's SO important that they reduce inflammation, regulate our metabolism, and fuel our immune system. Toxin-producing bacteria tend to feed off meat and eggs, while healthy bacteria thrive on fiber. Remember that only plants have fiber and every plant has fiber! Check your health on the shelf for herbs, grains, greens, nuts, and beans. Buy Sun Chips and raw nuts for Super Bowl Sunday rather than fried chips and roasted nuts, to live longer and live stronger, and have a wonderful Wednesday!
4 whole-grain tortilla
Daylight savings time begins next month when we will once again lose an hour. There are harmful effects on our bodies from the change, and several of us are trying to get legislation passed that will put an end to it. The loss of sleep causes an increase in car accidents, workplace accidents, mental health issues, heart attacks, and more. Here's one way to help your body adjust. For example, get up 10 minutes earlier and move it up 10 more minutes every other day, rather than losing the entire hour all at once. Cheryl starts a month in advance and regrets not sharing this with the listeners sooner! And don't forget it's Meatless Monday - and meatlessmonday.com can give you some great ways to add more plants to your daily intake!
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