Holistic Habits by Cheryl A. Mothes, Ph.D. Natural Health Nutrition Counselor
It is TRANSITION TUESDAY, and we will start featuring ways to move to a healthier lifestyle, every Tuesday! Here are some tips to get started. Put your "Why" on a note where you will see it every day, such as your bathroom mirror or computer screen. Why do you want to feel better, function best, reduce pain, have more clarity, improve mental health, live longer, and contribute more? Then search the internet for whole food plant-based recipes. Great resources are "Forks Over Knives", "The Simple Veganista" and "Nutritionfacts.org". Let us face it, most of us fix five or six things over and over again - so sometimes a cookbook with 200 recipes is overwhelming. Look for five or six recipes you know you will love and start with those, then build more. This week, the transition from buying cows' milk to buying almond milk or cashew milk – higher in calcium, no saturated fat, and a great way to live longer and live stronger! In the U.S. it is interesting to note that foods that are referred to as “junk” are sometimes the most consumed – candy, ice cream, chips, and more. The term “junk food” has been replaced in research by the term “ultra-processed.” In many ways, it is not really food – it is industrial formulations that have long lists of ingredients which, other than salt, sugar, and oil, are not usually even found in a cookbook, because they are mostly "additives.” There has been a dramatic rise in ultra-processed foods – in fact, they dominate our food supply – 71%. This is a big problem because they are high in calories and toxins, and low in nutrition. Up to 70% of what our children and teens eat during their day fits in this category! On this terrific Tuesday, help your children live longer and stronger by replacing junk food with the real deal.
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